Contact Us
Who exactly is this ministry for?
Everyone! Our goal is to have a way for everyone to be able to use these materials no matter their circumstances or stage of life. If you would like help selecting the session that best meets your needs, please let us know through the contact form above!
Do I need to pay to participate in a session?
We ask that each participant pays a fee to help cover materials needed for the kit. However, we never want finances to be a reason someone is unable to participate in a session. If you are unable to pay the fee but would like to participate, please reach out to us through the contact form above.
How will I know what to do during a session?
Each session comes with easy to follow instructions that have been specifically designed for you.
Where can I go to get connected to outside resources after completing a session?
We are very passionate about making sure everyone is connected to a local church as well as other appropriate resources. If you would like help exploring these resources, please click here to get in contact with our Connection Specialist.
When will other sessions be available?
The best way to stay up to date about new sessions and other information is through our newsletter. To sign up, fill out the form on the bottom of this page!
What other forms of outward expression do you offer?
At this time, our sessions only use painting as the art medium. However, we would love to one day expand to other art types! If you are interested in partnering with us to incorporate other mediums of art, please click here and fill out the contact form.
Need Some Help?
All information on this form will remain confidential between you and our Connection Specialist.
Please only give as many details about your situation as you feel comfortable with.
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